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67 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.


Giordano, Paolo

«Se proprio dovessi, sceglierei la Tasmania. Ha buone riserve di acqua dolce, si trova in uno stato democratico e non ospita predatori per l'uomo. Non è troppo piccola ma è comunque un'isola, quindi facile da difendere. Perché ci sarà da difendersi, mi creda». "Tasmania" è un romanzo sul futuro. Il futuro che temiamo e desideriamo, quello che non avremo, che possiamo cambiare, che stiamo costru...

CHF 30.00

Nel contagio

Giordano, Paolo
Nel contagio

L'epidemia di Covid-19 si candida a essere l'emergenza sanitaria più importante della nostra epoca. Ci svela la complessità del mondo che abitiamo, delle sue logiche sociali, politiche, economiche, interpersonali e psichiche. Ciò che stiamo attraversando ha un carattere sovraidentitario e sovraculturale. Richiede uno sforzo di fantasia che in un regime normale non siamo abituati a compiere: vederci inestricabilmente con...

CHF 16.00

Divorare il cielo

Giordano, Paolo
Divorare il cielo

Le estati a Speziale per Teresa non passano mai. Giornate infinite a guardare la nonna che legge gialli e suo padre, lontano dall'ufficio e dalla moglie, che torna a essere misterioso e vitale come la Puglia in cui è nato. Poi un giorno li vede. Sono «quelli della masseria», molte leggende li accompagnano, vivono in una specie di comune, non vanno a scuola ma sanno moltissime cose. Credono in Dio, nella terra, nella reinc...

CHF 23.00

Divorare il cielo

Giordano, Paolo
Divorare il cielo

Le estati a Speziale per Teresa non passano mai. Giornate infinite a guardare la nonna che legge gialli e suo padre, lontano dall'ufficio e dalla moglie, che torna a essere misterioso e vitale come la Puglia in cui è nato. Poi un giorno li vede. Sono «quelli della masseria», molte leggende li accompagnano, vivono in una specie di comune, non vanno a scuola ma sanno moltissime cose. Credono in Dio, nella terra, nella reinc...

CHF 33.00

Joseph Tusiani -- Poet Translator Humanist

Giordano, Paolo A.
Joseph Tusiani -- Poet Translator Humanist
Joseph Tusiani: Poet, Translator, Humanist. An International Homage pays tribute to a leading figure of Italian culture in the United States. Joseph Tusiani has been an active poet, translator, and humanist for the entire second half of the twentieth century. The scholars honor all aspects of Professor Tusiani's intellectual and cultural career: most especially his translations from the Italian and his own poetry in English, Italian, and Latin...

CHF 33.90


Giordano, Paolo / Shugaar, Antony
After losing the future he imagined for himself, a writer sets out in search of connection and purpose at a tipping point with climate change and global conflict, in this breathtaking novel from the Strega Prize-winning author of The Solitude of Prime Numbers. In late 2015, Paolo feels his life coming apart: While his wife, Lorenza, has decided to give up on pregnancy after years of trying, he clings to the dream of becoming a father, not just...

CHF 22.90


Giordano, Paolo / Kleiner, Barbara
Dies ist ein Roman über die Zukunft. Eine Zukunft, die wir fürchten und nach der wir uns sehnen. Tasmanien erzählt die Geschichte eines Mannes, der die Kontrolle über die Welt verloren hat und nun auf der Suche nach seiner, nach unserer Zukunft ist. Paolo ist Anfang vierzig und italienischer Journalist und Romancier. Seine Ehe hat einen kritischen Punkt erreicht, als seine Frau beschließt, die Versuche der künstlichen Befruchtung einzustellen...

CHF 34.50


Giordano, Paolo / Kleiner, Barbara / Kessler, Torben
Der neue große Roman vom Autor von »Die Einsamkeit der Primzahlen« »Wenn ich wählen müsste, würde ich nach Tasmanien gehen. Es ist südlich genug, um nicht unter extremen Temperaturen zu leiden. Es hat reichlich Süßwasserreserven, wird demokratisch regiert und es leben dort keine Fressfeinde des Menschen. Es ist nicht zu klein, ist aber jedenfalls eine Insel, also leicht zu verteidigen. Denn man wird sich verteidigen müssen, glauben Sie mir....

CHF 34.50

Heaven and Earth

Giordano, Paolo / Appel, Anne Milano
Heaven and Earth
A powerful, epic novel of four friends as they grapple with desire, youth, death, and faith in a sweeping story by the international bestselling author of The Solitude of Prime Numbers "Perfect, moving, honest, brilliant, with characters who feel like old friends."-Andrew Sean Greer, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Less "Heaven and Earth is a stunning achievement and confirms him as an electrifying presence in contemporary fiction."-André Aci...

CHF 21.50

Heaven and Earth

Giordano, Paolo / Milano Appel, Anne
Heaven and Earth
A stunning achievement' André Aciman, Sunday Times bestselling author of Call Me By Your Name and Find Me'The perfect novel' Edmund White'Magnificent, heart-wrenching, and utterly compelling' Andrea Wulf, Costa Book Award-winning author of The Invention of NatureEvery summer Teresa follows her father to his childhood home in Puglia, down in the heel of Italy, a land of relentless, shimmering heat and centuries-old olive groves, There Teresa sp...

CHF 19.50

En tiempos de contagio / How Contagion Works: Science, Aw...

Giordano, Paolo
En tiempos de contagio / How Contagion Works: Science, Awareness, and Community in Times of Global Crises - The Essay That Helped Change the Covid-19
Giordano nos obliga a coger aire ante la crisis del COVID-19 y reflexionar sobre nuestra responsabilidad colectiva, porque, «en tiempos de contagio, somos un solo organismo, una comunidad.Un nuevo virus irrumpe en un país lejano, aunque no tan lejano. La Tierra se ha vuelto pequeña. Día tras día, billones de impulsos digitales transportan la información a la velocidad de la luz de un punto a otro del planeta, infinidad de aviones surcan los ci...

CHF 16.50

In Zeiten der Ansteckung

Giordano, Paolo / Kleiner, Barbara
In Zeiten der Ansteckung
Der promovierte Physiker und Bestsellerautor Paolo Giordano beschreibt das Dilemma der Corona-Epidemie in Italien, aber es ist sozusagen eine "preview of coming attractions" für uns, denn die statistischen Verbreitungskurven sprechen eine deutliche, unleugbare Sprache: Auch uns erwarten Quarantäne, ein neuer Alltag, in dem es darum geht, die Kettenreaktion zu durchbrechen, um die totale Sprengung des Gesundheitssystems zu verhindern. Die Norm...

CHF 11.90

How Contagion Works

Giordano, Paolo / Valente, Alex
How Contagion Works
Writing from Italy in lockdown, physicist and novelist Paolo Giordano explains how disease spreads in our interconnected world: , , . By expanding his focus to include other forms of contagion - from the environmental crisis to fake news and xenophobia - Giordano shows us not just but also . is a physicist and the author of four bestselling novels. His article 'The Mathematics of Contagion' - published in Italy at the beginning of the Covid-19...

CHF 6.90

Heaven and Earth

Giordano, Paolo / Appel, Anne Milano
Heaven and Earth
A powerful, epic novel of four friends as they grapple with desire, youth, death, and faith in a sweeping story by the international bestselling author of The Solitude of Prime Numbers "Perfect, moving, honest, brilliant, with characters who feel like old friends." -Andrew Sean Greer, Pulitzer prize-winning author of Less "Heaven and Earth is a stunning achievement and confirms him as an electrifying presence in contemporary fiction." -André A...

CHF 40.50

Conquistar El Cielo / Heaven and Earth

Giordano, Paolo
Conquistar El Cielo / Heaven and Earth
It has been more than a decade since a very young Paolo Giordano won the Strega Prize with La soledad de los números primos, and four since he published his latest novel, Como de la familia. Now, Giordano returns with Conquistar el cielo, the provocative and exciting story of four lives over twenty years.

CHF 33.90

Den Himmel stürmen

Giordano, Paolo / Kleiner, Barbara
Den Himmel stürmen
Teresa verbringt die Sommerferien bei ihrer Großmutter in Apulien. Eines Nachts beobachtet sie, wie die drei Nachbarsjungen Bern, Tommaso und Nicola heimlich ins Schwimmbad eindringen. Schon bald sind sie und Teresa unzertrennlich, bereit, den Himmel zu stürmen. Bis zwischen Bern und Teresa etwas Neues entsteht: die erste große Liebe. Im Sommer darauf ist Bern nicht mehr da. Teresa kann ihn nicht vergessen und über zwanzig Jahre kreuzen sich i...

CHF 17.50

Chernoe i serebro

Giordano, Paolo / Jampol'skaja, Anna
Chernoe i serebro
Il nero e l'argento. "Chernoe i serebro" - tretij roman Paolo Dzhordano, izvestnogo ital'janskogo pisatelja, avtora bestsellera "Odinochestvo prostyh chisel" (premija "Strega?, 2008). V svoej novoj knige, stavshej mirovoj sensaciej (2014), Dzhordano rasskazyvaet pronzitel'nuju istoriju schastlivoj i neopytnoj molodoj sem'i. On pishet o ljubvi, o slozhnyh vzaimootnoshenijah v sem'e, o chuvstve odinochestva, o tom, kak tesno perepletajutsja zhiz...

CHF 21.90